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Remote Monitoring


Business Process Automation

The integration of disparate applications can free staff to work on more important activities for your business by freeing them from mundane and repetitive tasks. We can help you identify integration and automation opportunities which may not be obvious or are not native features of existing off the shelf applications used in your business.

Project Management

Effective project management requires good intuition, attention to detail on complex technical issues and excellent communication skills. We can prepare a recommendations report, provide implementation resources and ongoing support for the upgrade, integration and/or replacement of existing legacy IT systems.

IT Support

Remote IT Support can be provided on an ongoing basis via retainer agreement. We can provide proactive workstation monitoring and antivirus as a part of a package for your business. After all, the best IT support is the one you never need to speak to!

Single Sign On (SSO)

Implementing SSO does not require costly third party solutions, but the setup does require an understanding of the technologies involved. We can assist with the setup and support of a Single Sign On solution for your business.

Hybrid Cloud

Combining private MPLS connectivity with the scalability, automation and reliability of public cloud, allows for any application to be moved to the cloud, even latency sensitive applications such as databases.

Advanced Networking

Getting the most from your investment in networking equipment, including cloud-managed solutions requires a low level understanding of core networking concepts. We can assist your in-house IT with specialist networking support or act as a managed networking provider.

This is not an exhaustive list so Contact Us if your requirement is not listed.

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